Online Tree Tutorial Begins March 21st

Three of us will be teaching in the upcoming  Online Tree Tutorial Workshop beginning March 21. Here is my original blog post. Since you already know me and my work I thought you might be interested in learning more about the other two artists, Miriam Schulman and Jan Schmuckal, by giving you a little introduction to their individual styles and painting techniques. In this post I'll introduce you to Miriam.

New York Artist Miriam Schulman

I am so excited to be teaching with Miriam Schulman! We've actually never met in person but have been internet artist friends for many years---6 or 7 years at least. We live on opposite coasts of the United States...she in New York and me in Oregon. Lucky Miriam, whenever she needs art inspiration she can take the day off for a quick visit the MET or the MOMA, since downtown New York City is just a short drive away.

When Miriam asked me to join her in teaching the workshop I jumped at the chance! She regularly teaches private watercolor lessons in her studio but wanted a way to reach a larger audience. She accomplished this by setting up an online teaching course and invited other artists to join her, which equals three times the fun. Miriam already has a second workshop in the planning stages with a bird theme in mind. Can't wait!

Her art is collected worldwide and has even made appearances on television sets such as NBC Parenthood and in various commercials. Schulman's artwork has been published on art magazine covers and in the New York Times. Onlne, she sells original paintings and prints through her website and Etsy shop, SchulmanArts and on Cafepress.

When viewing her paintings of delicate figures and colorful landscapes, you can't but notice Miriam's work has a certain sense fresh whimsy and a light heartedness to it that only she is able to achieve.


"The Forest Is My Home" by Miriam Schulman 24X30

In the next post you will meet Jan Schmuckal a master at tonalist painting. Just wait until you see her work! I know you will be amazed!

Don't think this class is only for artists. Anyone can join even if you an art appreciator or collector (we artists love you!) You too will enjoy  watching how a painting is created brought to life.

Sign Up Today for the Online Tree Tutorial Workshop Begins March 21