In Living Color

We have new paint on our walls. What a switch from boring soft white to punchy and colorful. The fresh coat of paint makes the whole house come alive, thanks to Hunky Mr T. He did all the work. Would have had to help him except it was tax time and it's my job to calculate what we owe every year. Very time consuming, doing the taxes. Here's what the new living and dining rooms look like. Tones of green in the living room and the dining room is a bright yellow. Not quite sure if the yellow will stay, but the thing is I've always dreamed of having a blue and yellow dining room just like Monet at Giverney. Blue is the accent color in the yellow room and is picked up in our Blue Willow china.
What do you think? Do you like it? Or do you think it's tooooo much color? Best, Blenda