A Snow Day in the Pacific Northwest
Just when daffodils began pushing their delicate fresh stems out of the ground, it snowed here in the Pacific Northwest! All winter long we've had our share of typical Oregon winter weather; overcast skies and buckets of rain, until last week when a soft fluffy blanket of snow cover our landscape for a brief few days.
Daffodils in the snow
Heather's tiny blooms peeking out from a blanket of snow
I woke up early that day and just in time to capture the most beautiful sunrise taking place right outside our bedroom window.
Zippy and I went for an early morning walk in our woods while the air was still fresh and trees still heavy with new fallen snow.
When the sun peeked through the branches, it nearly blinded our eyes from intense reflections. Zippy sniffed at and I counted at least five different kinds of animal tracks, each making their own distinct pattern of trails, each going off in every direction. There were tracks of deer, coyote, racoon, rabbit and a small petite print like a small feral cat, their foot prints pressed perfectly into the snow.
But then along came Zippy and me...happily bouncing along with snow flying in every direction, so glad to be alive, taking in the pleasure of the brief and fleeting winter wonderland all around us. The wild creatures must have been peeping from their hiding places watching us with amazement as we unintentionally disturbed their peaceful setting and the cautious careful tracks they laid out.