Phyllis Diller Art Party
Do you remember Phyllis Diller, the self mocking comedian of the 60s with the big HAAA HAA Hah Haaaa laugh? Last night we watched a 2004 documentary about her called, Goodnight, We Love You - The Life and Legend. I fell in love with Ms Diller all over again. The film was centered around her farewell performance as a stand up comedian. As she was getting ready for the night's show she reminisced about her accomplishments and talked about her life today. I knew she was a trail blazer for female comedians but had no idea that she was a talented pianist and a prolific artist. She was so good at the piano that she ended up playing and performing with a symphony for 10 years.

Now that Phyllis, who is in her 90s, has retired from show business, she has been known to occasionally host a "Phyllis Diller Art Party". According to those that have had the privilege of attending one of her parties you get to tour her 10,000 square foot Belaire mansion where her paintings are hanging in many of the rooms. Then she would serve you lunch which she cooked herself. Did I also mention that she is a superb cook and would fix gourmet meals for her staff in the early years when she was on the road performing? Phyllis Diller, a life well lived.
Anyway, I got to thinking, if you are an artist, wouldn't this be a fun way promote your art? Invite 10-15 of your collector friends, fix them lunch or have it catered then give a tour of your home with your art on display. No mansion required just good food and friendly conversation.