Colorado Sketchbook Drawings
Over on Instagram I just completed a personal challenge called the 100 Days of Art Project. So for 100 days in a row I either sketched in my notebook or worked on a painting. You'd think it would be no big deal for a full time artist to do art everyday. The thing is though when art is your business, like it is for me, there are so many other parts to it that need your attention, for instance creating fresh blog content, making connections on social media, image record keeping, bookkeeping, in person events, open studios, and so on. But the thing I like doing best, which is creating art quite often gets pushed to the sidelines. The 100 day project helped me to realize no matter how hectic life is, on those days when I'm not in the studio, it's quite satisfying to set aside at least a few minutes to make a quick sketch.
Golden, CO
During my recent Colorado meet up with artist friend Miriam, I was still working through the 100 day project and brought along a little black sketchbook to draw in with a white Gelly Roll pen.
I woke up at the crack of dawn to sketch in the stillness of the crisp early morning light.
Downtown Golden, CO early when the sun came up.
Thanksgiving Greetings
Happy Thanksgiving! And one final sketch made just for today.
Have a joyful and happy day with your loved ones. The holiday season has officially begun. Yay! Thank you for being here for me and for your support. You are loved. xoblenda